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How to improve your beauty routine

Makeup,    Skin Care

How to Improve Your Beauty Routine This Year

Posted by Jess Hall on Jan 17, 2019

Tips For Improving Your Beauty Routine This Year

After an onslaught of overindulging and partying over the festive period, it’s time to say hello to the new you with 9 ways to improve your beauty routine for 2019!

1. Wash your brushes more frequently

If we’re honest, it’s a mundane task that none of us really look forward to, but if you think of the bacteria growing in and amongst their bristles that you’ll then be smearing all over your face (hello, spots and congested skin), it’s an easier task to undertake! Aim for twice a week for your complexion brushes and once a week for eye brushes.

2. Don’t neglect your body

We wouldn’t go for weeks on end without moisturizing the skin on our faces (we hope), so why do we sometimes neglect the skin on our bodies? At this time of year especially, our skin needs all the help it can get in the hydration department, so give your body some TLC with body lotions, creams and butters.

3. Ditch the makeup wipes and always opt for a cleanser instead

We know, it can be tempting to reach for the wipes over the cleanser, but your skin will thank you for it!

tips for improving your beauty routine

4. Experiment

In almost all aspects of our lives, stepping out of our comfort zones can be daunting but becoming glued down and stuck in a rut can result in our enthusiasm and love for makeup starting to dwindle. Break out the grey lipsticks, the blue shadows, and yellow eyeliner and have fun!

5. Give your hair a break from the heat

It’s no secret that heat is damaging for our locks, so try some heat-proof styling techniques or embrace the natural texture of your hair to give it a break from the heated tools.

6. Apply SPF, daily

We know, we know; the thought of SPF is about as exciting as the idea of filing a tax return. But instead of resenting spending your hard-earned money on it on a regular basis, think of it as an investment for your skin. Your skin will look much better in the long run with daily application of SPF as it prevents pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and most importantly, it helps to protect against skin cancer.

ways to improve your beauty routine in the new year

7. Get more beauty sleep

The term ‘beauty sleep’ isn’t a cliché for no reason! Less sleep = puffiness, dull skin, redness, and crepey looking skin.

8. Make time for masking

Masking shouldn’t just be a once a fortnightly treat for your skin. Make masking a regular step in your weekly skin care routine and see results!

9. Stop sleeping in your makeup

While we’re on the topic of sleeping, we could all do with another reminder that no matter how tired we are or how loudly our bed is calling us at the end of a long day, sleeping in your makeup is just not worth it for all the trouble AKA skin problems, it causes.


Have you made any beauty resolutions for 2019 yet? Let us know what they are in the comments below! 


Jess Hall

Jess Hall

Jess Hall is a British beauty lover, who can often be found perusing makeup aisles in the search for the perfect peachy pink hues, or perfecting her latest makeup flat lay. When she’s not trialling the latest skincare releases, she enjoys sharing her latest findings, the newest beauty trends and knowledge with you!

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